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Christian Service
Good Shepherd’s mission statement calls parishioners to grow spiritually each day through acts of service and social justice and to respond to Christ’s call to serve those in need. In the spirit of the Biblical call to tithe, Good Shepherd allots a percentage of its income to support the activities of the Christian Service Ministry to respond to the needs of the poor and disadvantaged within our community.
Within this service ministry, several specialized groups actively provide assistance and support to those in need to provide:
· Financial assistance to those with critical needs in areas such as food, housing, clothing, and medical
· Resources and opportunities to better understand the dynamics of poverty
· Acquire tools to care for those who are vulnerable
· Provide solace for, show compassion toward, and administer Communion to those who are incarcerated, sick or homebound
· Response to the unique needs of impoverished communities served by Catholic Missions
Christian Service Ministries of Good Shepherd Include: