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Good Shepherd Social Justice Committee
Mission Statement: We are a group of parishioners seeking to create community that is committed to fostering change that makes the world more just, as informed by Catholic Social Teaching and Scripture. We seek to accomplish this through education and action in a spirit of collaboration with other parish ministries.
Educational Initiatives:
-Offer the JustFaith Program from JustFaith Ministries to our parish. This program consists of a small group of adults meeting for 24 weeks to read about and discuss current social issues, engage in retreats and immersion experiences, and listen to speakers in the context of prayer and study of Catholic Social teaching
-Organize discussion of current social issues open to all members of the parish. Speakers on immigration, mission, Islam, and varied topics based on the Laudato Si' themes such as a parishioner's experience with solar panels for the home, buy fresh, buy local foods, socially responsible investing, and parish programs to care for the needy have taken place along with the films "From the Ashes" and "Earth: An Operators Manual." Currently the committee is exploring the issues around refugees and immigrants in concert with Pope Francis' effort "Share the Journey" www.sharejourney.org
-Fostered a study of Laudato Si', Pope Francis' encyclical on the environment. Small groups read and discussed the encyclical. Ongoing efforts to promote the care of creation take place. A parish-wide celebration of the Season of Creation (Sept 1 – World Day of Prayer for Creation to October 4 – Feast Day of St. Francis) was held.
Other Initiatives include holding a fair trade sale, a Bread for the World Offering of Letters, and the CRS Lenten Rice Bowl program. Members formed a mentoring group for Bridge of Hope, do yard maintenance and support the monthly Sing-A-Longs at the House of Care, support the work of the Out of the Cold program for the homeless, support the Jamaica Committee, and organized an Earth Day clean-up event.
You are welcome to join any of these activities. The Social Justice Committee meets on the second Saturday of the month from 9 am to 11am. For more information, please contact the church office.